What is sand?
Sand Sand is a loose, granular material and one of the most common natural fabrics on earth. Sand consists of very small stones, which vary in sizes between 63 µm and 2 mm. When the sand is smaller than 63 … Lees Meer
Sand Sand is a loose, granular material and one of the most common natural fabrics on earth. Sand consists of very small stones, which vary in sizes between 63 µm and 2 mm. When the sand is smaller than 63 … Lees Meer
When you tell this to people they often laugh at you. You get remarks like: “I have a sandbox for you in the garden” or “can you use the sand of my birdcage too?” In volcanic areas you often … Lees Meer
What are they and how did they exist? a geode couple As you know, our earth is about 4,6 billion years old. At that time the earth was one big burning fireball, as it were our earth “turned to … Lees Meer
This site is about the collections of Bart and Henny Beukers from The Netherlands. Bart collects minerals (handpieces and micromounts) and Henny is a sand collector. Bart started his collection in the year 2003, the year he … Lees Meer